Senin, 05 Desember 2011

Ranu Pani Lumajang Jawa Timur

sehari di ranu paniGambar Ranu Pani

Semeru adalah puncak tertinggi Jawa dan telah aktif selama beberapa dekade, awan abu vulkanik berwarna hitam dan pasir sering dilepaskan dari dekat puncak, kadang-kadang jam sekali, kadang-kadang sesering setiap sepuluh menit. Ada banyak korban jiwa, tetapi kenaikan populer dan aman jika Anda memperlakukan gunung dengan hormat dan sebagai puncak tertinggi Jawa di Indonesia.

Jejak dimulai di desa Ranu Pani (2109 m) di mana ada akomodasi dasar yang tersedia dan Anda akan memerlukan minimal dua hari penuh untuk kenaikan ke puncak dan kembali. Ada banyak lembaga melakukan perjalanan di Jawa Timur yang menawarkan transportasi jip di seluruh pelosok Taman Nasional Bromo termasuk kaldera yang luas dan Ranu Pani desa itu sendiri dari kota Malang melalui Tumpang. Untungnya itu belum mungkin untuk berkendara ke puncak Semeru! Namun, jalan dari Malang ke Ranu Pani menawarkan pemandangan dan mencapai ketinggian lebih dari 2.400 m di titik tertinggi.

Dari Ranu Pani mengikuti jalan menuju danau yang memberikan nama desa dan pastikan Anda mengambil hak sebelum posting pintu merah. Sebuah kiri muncul ke jalur sempit melalui hutan hanya beberapa menit lagi bersama dan sekali Anda berada di jalan ini cukup sulit untuk kehilangan arah karena ada penanda tempat penampungan semen sering dan hijau di 2.284 m, 2.346 m dan 2.426 m masing-masing. Jalan beraspal bahkan pada saat ini. Carilah monyet di daerah tersebut.

teriak dalam heningMelihat panorama alam Ranu Pani

Ini adalah 14km panjang untuk Kalimati basecamp (2.669 m) tetapi jalur berjalan melalui Ranu Kumbolo danau yang indah (2382 m) yang merupakan tempat kamp yang baik dalam dirinya sendiri. Hal ini dapat dicapai dalam 4 jam dari Ranu Pani tetapi terkenal karena suhu rendah pada malam hari adalah umum, jadi ingatlah untuk mengambil banyak pakaian hangat dan tidak meninggalkan sepatu Anda di luar. Ada beberapa gubuk di sisi jauh danau sebelum yang jalan naik beberapa meter seratus atau lebih sebelum turun lagi ke daerah yang kadang-kadang tertutup bunga ungu yang indah. Kalimati yang terletak di bawah, tetapi dalam pandangan dari kerucut berbatu Semeru puncak itu sendiri, lain 3 jam yang fantastis, hiking mudah di savana esque lanskap dan mungkin sedikit lebih hangat. Ada gubuk agak lusuh di sini dan daerah datar sekitarnya merupakan daerah yang sangat populer berkemah dan air dapat ditemukan sekitar 15 menit berjalan kaki ke kanan.

Lain 2 km (satu jam) adalah basecamp Arcopodo (2.912 m), yang merupakan tempat terbaik untuk berkemah jika Anda bermaksud untuk mencapai puncak saat fajar dan memiliki kesempatan terbaik pandangan yang jelas dan yang lebih penting untuk menghindari yang terburuk dari gas. Jalan turun sedikit dari Kalimati sebelum naik tajam hingga dasar hutan dari kerucut Semeru itu sendiri. Banyak orang memilih untuk menghabiskan satu malam di Ranu Kumbolo dan up kedua di Arcopodo sebelum membuat pendakian pra-fajar ke puncak. Dulu ada sepasang patung di Arcopodo tetapi diduga mereka ditutupi selama tanah longsor. Ada banyak ruang flattish untuk tenda di sini - setidaknya 10 - meskipun medan yang curam hutan pinus umumnya. Ini adalah sekitar 3 jam dari kamp Arcopodo ke puncak dan lagu ini sangat curam. Di beberapa tempat di bawahnya ada tulisan semen untuk membimbing Anda, tetapi banyak dari mereka sudah lama tumbang dan dimakamkan di scree vulkanik! Pepohonan berakhir pada 3110 dan ada pandangan yang sangat baik terutama kepada Arjuna. Anda juga dapat melihat beberapa fajar pra-kamera berkedip dari sudut pandang yang terkenal Gunung Pananjakan di sisi utara kaldera Bromo. Kerucut puncak sangat licin dengan batuan vulkanik yang kecil pasti kasus dua langkah maju dan satu langkah mundur.

Ketika Anda dekat bagian atas Anda harfiah mungkin merasa bergerak bumi sebagai Semeru lain mengirimkan awan pasir vulkanik ke udara. Ada banyak monumen untuk orang telah kehilangan nyawa mereka di sini tetapi umumnya pendakian aman tetapi tidak kepala lebih dekat ke kawah diri dari puncak. Pemandangan dari atap Jawa adalah sebagai luar biasa seperti yang Anda duga sebuah panorama yang luas dari semua puncak utama Jawa Timur, sesuatu untuk menikmati sebelum mendaki kembali ke Ranu Pani, yang dapat dilakukan dalam satu hari yang panjang. Bagian pertama bawah scree adalah banyak menyenangkan - apa waktu 3 jam untuk mendaki hanya membutuhkan 1 jam untuk scree-geser ke bawah

Di perjalanan kembali ke Ranu Pani, petualangan yang lebih lagi mungkin ingin mencoba rute alternatif dari Ranu Kumbolo kembali ke desa melalui Gunung Ajekajek. Ini jauh lebih curam - pendakian 300m lagi - tapi sedikit lebih pendek dari segi jarak dan waktu. Jika Anda memiliki energi yang tersisa itu membuat alternatif yang menarik dengan cukup hambar bekerja keras sepanjang rute normal. Ambil belok kiri di danau dan ikuti jalan itu mengarah melalui pemandangan indah datar berumput sebelum menuju tepat di lereng bukit sekali lagi. Setelah satu jam Anda akan berada di puncak pass (2.719 m) yang menawarkan pemandangan yang jarang terlihat dari Semeru. Di bawah Anda dalam arah yang berlawanan (utara) adalah Ranu Pani dan kaldera Bromo luar. Ini trail sekarang jarang digunakan digunakan untuk menjadi rute utama untuk Semeru beberapa dekade yang lalu.

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Ranu Kumbolo Lumajang Jawa Timur Indonesia

jadi kangen lumajang rekRanu Kumbolo berada di jalur pendakian semeru, terlentak diatas Ranu Pani

salam rimba arek tukum lumajangLumajang Kaya akan keindahan dan ga ada matinya

Lumajang Kaya akan keindahan dan ga ada matinya, tergantung kita manusianya, bisakah arif dan bijaksana mengelola alam yang dianugerahkan buat kita

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Rabu, 28 September 2011

Wisata Kolam Renang Yang Masih Alami (Pemandian Patemon Tanggul)

Lokasi Pemandian PatemonPemandian Patemon Udaranya Sangat Sejuk Karena Terletak di Daerah Pegunungan
Gimana rasanya kira-kira jika keindahan panorama dan kesejukan air berpadu, benar-benar ajib pastinya. Mengingat kolam mandi peninggalan jaman Belanda ini berasal dari mata air lereng Pegunungan Argopuro. Lokasi Pemandian Patemon 2 km ke arah Utara dari Kota Tanggul tempatnya 30 km ke arah barat dari pusat kota jember.

arah Utara Kota TanggulPemandian Patemon yang Berada di Wilayah Kecamatan Tanggul
Kedatangan wisatawan ke objek wisata ini disamping untuk menyegarkan badan juga untuk bernostalgia. Pemandian Patemon menyediakan kolam mandi orang dewasa dan anak-anak, sehingga pengunjung sekalian bisa berkunjung bersama keluarga. Pemandian ini masih tampak alami dan udaranya segar sehingga sangat cocok sebagai tempat olah raga atau rekreasi.

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Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

Vacation Ideas

all inclusive family vacationsRomantic Vacation Ideas
For some people, vacation means heading to a far away sandy beach and sitting by the sea sipping frozen drinks for a week. Relaxing for them means there is little to do and they can let their minds wander and their muscles relax. This is not the ideal situation for everyone though and adventure seekers may soon find themselves bored during a vacation like this. If you are the type that prefers putting your life on the line or making new discoveries during your time away from home, there are still plenty of vacation options for you. All you need to do is pack up your canoe accessories and kayak rigging and head out into the great outdoors in search of a good time. While everyone around you may not think wild outdoor adventures are going to be an ideal vacation, you may be able to persuade them if you include a few of these fun outdoor activities in your trip planning.

budget vacation ideasCheap Vacations
A lot of people enjoy hiking, even if they would not consider themselves outdoors people. Hiking is a great way to get exercise and fresh air and you can explore nature without putting your life at risk. Hikes come in a variety of difficulty levels, so even if you are traveling with an inexperienced hiker, you can still have a great time. In many destinations, you can even safely leave your inexperienced loved one behind while you set out on a more difficult hike.

A lot of people combine hiking trips with camping. This is also a great way to share the outdoors with loved ones because if they are more into relaxing than hiking, they can stay behind. Set up a campsite near a river or in a quiet part of the woods, let them relax by the fire, and head out to explore the countryside. Camping is a great way to get back to nature and experience peace without worrying about spending too much or going overboard while you vacation.

Rock climbing is a great way to add an extra challenge to an otherwise simple hike. You can also try adventurous activities like propelling from the rocks. There are plenty of ways to practice rock climbing too in a safe indoor environment, so by the time you have the outdoor experience, you will be comfortable with your climbing skills. Rock climbing can be a great thrill for kids too, as long as you choose a climb within their skill level. It is excellent exercise and really gets you into the great outdoors in a creative and unique way.

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Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

Cheap Travel

airline travelVenice Cheap Travel Europe Travel
Thinking of a new thing to do in Australia when a travel companion has just cancelled at the last minute and you have already signed up for cheap travel insurance and filed for a week of paid office leave? It shouldn't be hard, think of The Ghan. Taking the The Ghan across the outback and through the heart of the Land Down Under is truly one of the greatest train journeys in the world. The railway ride takes you from one edge of the continent through the outback, and to the other end. Spend three days one-way and enjoy how the landscape changes from mesmerizing subtropic environment into mystifying deserts, and vice versa.

travel websitesAirlines
Construction of the original Ghan, then known as the Port Augusta to Government Gums Railway, was started in 1878 and was completed in 1929. The new one we now know today was completed in the early 1980s and is situated approximately 160 kilometres west of the old line. This track was constructed to prevent washout due to rain and to shorten the travel time. The Ghan, which now runs twice weekly back and forth Adelaide and Darwin, is the shortened version of the nickname The Afghan Express. The moniker was said to have been given to the express passenger service of the Commonwealth Railways in 1923 by one of its crews. The name is a nod to the Afghan camel drivers who came to the continent in the late 19th century to assist in finding new paths into the country's unexplored interior.

The present Ghan is currently being managed by Great Southern Railway Ltd, a part of the Serco Group. It offers three classes: the Red Kangaroo, the Gold Kangaroo, and the Platinum class. Some Australia travel insurance companies offer discounts on the last two packages. The Platinum section offers view from both sides of the train. It has a spacious double or twin cabin with full size shower. The Gold service, just below Platinum, is a twin cabin with an en suite or single cabin and provides maximum comfort and privacy. Both packages come with all-inclusive meals in the elegant dining car. Morning and afternoon tea, optional in-cabin breakfast, welcome drinks and nibblies, and nightcaps are also available in the first option. The other provides shared amenities, and main meals that include 24 hours tea and coffee.

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Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011

Vacation All Inclusive

An all inclusive Myrtle Beach vacation is one of the most overlooked vacation options in the US. When people think beach vacations in the states, they always start looking for options in California, Florida, Hawaii, and Texas. However, South Carolina should definitely be on anyone short list.Beaches: You can write an article on all inclusive Myrtle Beach resorts without first giving an overview of the beaches! Here is a quick rundown of my two favorites:

Hunting Island Beach
This beach sits on a four mile long island and is the most visited beach in all of South Carolina. There are many attractions on the island and it is a nice place for families and young people as well. The Hunting Island Lighthouse is a must see. This lighthouse was destroyed during the Civil War and was rebuilt in the late 1800's. The other must see attraction is only during early summer. The beach is one of the largest turtle nesting grounds on the entire east coast. If you happen to be vacationing around this time, it is well worth the effort to have a look at this phenomenon.

Folly Beach
This is my other favorite beach, due to the barrier reef. If you ever been here, you surely know what I'm talking about. This is a snorkeling and scuba divers dream. Even if you don't enjoy the watersports, you can still enjoy the beach. It is quite a bit calmer than Hunting Beach, but in my opinion equally as nice.

There are many nightclubs on or near the beach that offer a wide variety of options. Of course, there are many beach themed clubs that are great placed to sit around in the evening and listen to the waves. Many of these clubs are located in or near all of the Myrtle Beach all inclusive resorts. Last time I was in town, I was able to walk down the beach and go to three different "island" themed bars.

Myrtle Beach has it all. From deep sea fishing to water slide parks, you will definitely find what you're looking for in Myrtle Beach. Be sure to check with your all inclusive resort if any of these activities are included or if the hotel offers discounts to their guests. The resort I stayed at offered a pass that allowed you to go to several area attractions and only pay for the pass once. I did not go for the deal, although it did seem to make sense if you're into the water sports.

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Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

Travelling Europe

Travelling Europe by train has been made so much easier these days by the infrastructure that is in place all around the continent. Travelling by rail can do either in done style and comfort or by affordability; whichever you choose, the rail network spans across the whole of Europe almost getting you to every accessible point. There are various options you can explore if you decide to travel by train.

So if you ever plan to travel all over Europe, first of all the InterRail with its Global Pass is one of the most affordable ways to do this. With this pass you can travel within 30 European countries in and out through as many of the 30 and as often as you wish. The pass can be purchased being valid for the duration of 5 days up to a month. Or if you plan just to explore one individual country you can purchase passes for single countries. With the single country tickets your ticket will be valid for a certain amount of days within the month, whether that is 3, 4, 6 or 8 for example. However you must be aware that the pass is not valid in your country of residence.

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Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011

Caribbean Vacation Packages

Is it possible to enjoy the luxuries of Caribbean vacations at cheap prices? The answer, thanks to cheap Caribbean vacation packages, is yes! First of all you will pay less by booking your flight plus the hotel at the same time.This is an effortless way to save a huge amount of money and it has helped many people on a budget enjoy what would otherwise be exclusively for the affluent. The options to save money when visiting the Caribbean are many. Many hotels here have wonderful offers and there is always a promotion going on if you search carefully. At the Grande Resort/spa, Kingston Jamaica, for example, you will save up to 60% when you book for your accommodation at the same time as you are booking for the flight. Moreover, you can bring the young ones at no extra cost since children below 12 years enter free.

The competition for customers among the various tourist hotels means that anybody chasing a bargain will obtain it. You just need to know where to look. At another Jamaican hotel, the Grand Ocho Rios Beach and Villa Resort, savings of up to 60% on hotel expenses are possible for online bookers. In the Dominican Republic, lodging at the Majestic Elegance Punta Cana, a place known for its elegance and style, is a really wise move. The hotel offers guests free drinks on the first day. The reputation of the Caribbean as a tourist paradise is vouched for by the awards that some establishments here have won. Late last year Trinidad and Tobago, one of the best locations in the Caribbean, was awarded the best International Travel Awards Island of the year. This was due to the newly enhanced Coco Reef Resort and the Blue Haven Hotel. Due to its luxurious sites and reasonable accommodation fees, it got two other awards for the best luxury Resort Hotel and Best Boutique Hotel respectively.

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Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Relax Vacations Are Good For Your Health

Taking a relaxing vacation is not only good for your health. It may do wonders to improve your creative thinking and you may come back from a trip bubbling with creative ideas for your next project. So...How do you unleash your creative thinking? Well, the first thing is to become a human sponge, you should take in as much knowledge as you can find. Read widely and voraciously and keep your mind open to the infinite possibilities there are available out there.You can read car labels, advertisements on the back of the head rest of your flight so on and so forth.The more you know, the more you'll want to know, and the more your faculty of wonder will be stretched. Get ready to be amazed at the little facts that add colour and variety to your life.

A creative activity daily
Focus on a creative activity everyday. Yes, it takes some effort initially. You can try doodling as a creative activity. Don't let anything hinder you. Practice drawing for a couple of minutes each day. The best time to doodle is during long flights where you have nothing to do. In addition to doodling, you can also begin writing in a journal and make it a point to write in it religiously during the duration of your trip. Another cool idea is to describe what you have encountered during your trip with your five senses. Try to avoid vague adjectives like "fun," "exciting," and "delicious." Before you know it, you'll have built yourself a tiny travel journal in addition to an ideas portfolio. You'll be amazed when you review your journal after your trip, you may glean some 'million dollar ideas' that may not have been immediately apparent when you have written them down. Pretty soon those activities during your travels will form a part of your habits.

Flash out your camera
Flash out your camera during your trip and try to take pictures of your holiday destination from various angles instead of the usual angles that you normally take a vacation shot. Compile these photos into a montage when you get home.This change of perspective can often throw up new ideas about connecting two seemingly unrelated ideas.

Get Out of your Comfort Zone
Travelling can afford you the experience to try something new everyday and broaden your perspective. During your travels you can explore a new district, spend an afternoon in a museum or chat up someone on the bus. Open up to the people around you. As you push yourself out of your comfort zone each day, your sense of adventure will grow and so does your zest for life. Pause for a moment to think about it, when was the last time you did something for the first time? If it's been a while, perhaps you have been missing out on a whole lot of experiences that could've added to your growth, emotionally, mentally, physically, or spiritually.

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