Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Relax Vacations Are Good For Your Health

Taking a relaxing vacation is not only good for your health. It may do wonders to improve your creative thinking and you may come back from a trip bubbling with creative ideas for your next project. So...How do you unleash your creative thinking? Well, the first thing is to become a human sponge, you should take in as much knowledge as you can find. Read widely and voraciously and keep your mind open to the infinite possibilities there are available out there.You can read car labels, advertisements on the back of the head rest of your flight so on and so forth.The more you know, the more you'll want to know, and the more your faculty of wonder will be stretched. Get ready to be amazed at the little facts that add colour and variety to your life.

A creative activity daily
Focus on a creative activity everyday. Yes, it takes some effort initially. You can try doodling as a creative activity. Don't let anything hinder you. Practice drawing for a couple of minutes each day. The best time to doodle is during long flights where you have nothing to do. In addition to doodling, you can also begin writing in a journal and make it a point to write in it religiously during the duration of your trip. Another cool idea is to describe what you have encountered during your trip with your five senses. Try to avoid vague adjectives like "fun," "exciting," and "delicious." Before you know it, you'll have built yourself a tiny travel journal in addition to an ideas portfolio. You'll be amazed when you review your journal after your trip, you may glean some 'million dollar ideas' that may not have been immediately apparent when you have written them down. Pretty soon those activities during your travels will form a part of your habits.

Flash out your camera
Flash out your camera during your trip and try to take pictures of your holiday destination from various angles instead of the usual angles that you normally take a vacation shot. Compile these photos into a montage when you get home.This change of perspective can often throw up new ideas about connecting two seemingly unrelated ideas.

Get Out of your Comfort Zone
Travelling can afford you the experience to try something new everyday and broaden your perspective. During your travels you can explore a new district, spend an afternoon in a museum or chat up someone on the bus. Open up to the people around you. As you push yourself out of your comfort zone each day, your sense of adventure will grow and so does your zest for life. Pause for a moment to think about it, when was the last time you did something for the first time? If it's been a while, perhaps you have been missing out on a whole lot of experiences that could've added to your growth, emotionally, mentally, physically, or spiritually.

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