Senin, 05 April 2010

Arjuno Festival And Competition shelf

Arjuno Festival is in the title in SMAN Pandaan that in the start date. 6 November 2009, which opens in Regent Dade Anga, Arjuno actual festival begins October 30, 2009, in karnakn with the flurry of Pasuruan Regent, who met with the new Parliament in Jakarta, so this event at the retreat so 6 November 2009.

And FINED. 7 November 2009 on the shelf that held off the competition by the Regent of Pasuruan in Taman Dayu to Candra Wilwatikta.

Pasuruan Regent said that the rack is in the race held in Pandaan not so crowded or in follow throughout the district, this event too medadak, Dade tine if tourist rack promised for next year will be held with great fanfare at all because going on event2 barengkan with others, such as Islamic new year.

Tour rack which was held at The Taman Dayu that follow in all districts sekabupaten Pasuruan.

Like the district Prigen below.

Competition Lomaba who attended from various districts in Pasuruan so festive, each district features several categories ranging from agricultural produce, arts and culture and the rack.

perigan showing results if the earth, temple tours Wates, ancakdan Arts Cultural Studies
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