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Sabtu, 03 April 2010

Lake Toba

lake located on the island of sumatra is precisely in the north Sumatran region is one of the most popular tourist attraction in Sumatra. The uniqueness of this lake can be derived from the origin of the formation of this lake, the culture that enveloped him and the existence of an elongated island in the middle of this lake (Samosir Island).

Lake Toba is very beautiful, especially in the morning when the sun comes up and soften the sun will sink.

In addition to presenting the natural beauty and tropical rainforests and orang-utan breeding, lake toba also offers cultural charm. Batak culture is becoming dominant in this area. If you visit this lake, stopping to Tomok sempatkanlah. There are still living that offers genuine hobo population outcomes such as cultural art carving, custom house, custom clothing, museums and statues and ancient tombs that are still fairly intact.

But the lack of this place is, my last year there in 2008 around the month of March, the lake has started sloppy, either by plastic waste, algae and water hyacinth, and started many a puddle of oil smoke in the area of the ship that sailed the lake. Hopefully the attention of regional governments and local communities and community visitors to always maintain the cleanliness. : D And then the forests that surround this area may have more green with the commencement of pushes in the region of Lake Toba
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